Service Alert
Government documents are located on the second floor of the Gwendolyn Brooks Library. Because our government information collection is becoming an electronic, rather than paper, collection, most of the recent documents we hold are available through the Library Catalog as electronic documents.
To access electronic documents which appear in the Library Catalog, just click on the electronic link in the catalog record. The document will open up right on your screen. You do not need a login and password to access these documents, even if you are off campus.
Documents we hold in paper published after 2006 are available in the Government Information Unit of the Library, on the shelves in the northeastern portion of the second floor. Many of these documents are also available online; if you cannot locate the paper copy and there is not a link for an electronic copy in the Library Catalog, contact Gabrielle Toth, Coordinator of Government Information, at 773-995-2562 or at, for assistance. You may also ask the Reference Librarian on duty at the Reference Desk for assistance. The Reference Desk is located on the second floor of the Library across from the elevators.
Prof. Toth also can assist you in locating documents published prior to 2006. You may also ask the Reference Librarian on duty for assistance.
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