Answered By: Prof. Rosalind Fielder-Giscombe
Last Updated: Dec 22, 2022     Views: 24

There are several ways to find databases available to CSU students, faculty, and staff:

  1. From anywhere on the Library website, on the Find menu, in the main navigation at the top of the page, under Research Resources, click the Databases A-Z link, then click on each letter of the alphabet to see a list of database names which start with that letter.
  2. In the Find menu, under Research Resources, click the Databases by Subject link, then click on a specific subject area to see a list of databases relevant to that subject matter.
  3. On the Library home page, in the Library Quick Links box, click the Find a Database link to see a complete list of all the databases the Library subscribes to listed on one page in alphabetical order.