Service Alert
RefWorks is listed in the Databases A-Z list under the letter "R." The direct address to RefWorks is:
RefWorks—an online research management, writing, and collaboration tool—is designed to help researchers easily gather, manage, store, and share all types of information, as well as generate citations and bibliographies. To utilize this resource now, click on the RefWorks link above. On the Login screen, click the "Use login from my institution" option, scroll down the list of institutions to Chicago State University, then use your CSU login credentials (or username and password) to log on to RefWorks.
If you need further assistance, visit the Reference Desk, located on the 2nd floor of GBL, for in-person assistance from a Research Librarian. Remote assistance is available via email, telephone, text, or live-online via chat or Zoom during the Reference Desk hours of service.
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